To be a true diva:
1) Your stage name MUST end in "-ah"
2) You should be referred to or be recognized by your first name alone
10. Ciara
9. (Lady) Gaga
8. Cascada
7. Shakira
6. Aaliyah
5. Rihanna
4. Christina (Aguilera) (Double "-ah!")
3. Mariah (Carey)
2. Madonna
1. Aretha (Franklin)
*Your LAST resort: a name with an "-ey" or "-ay" ending. Who do Britney and Beyonce think they're fooling!? Jeez!
** The EXCEPTION: Whitney. Enough said.
Now that you're informed, go make up your stage name and start singing into that hairbrush or kitchen utensil of your choice you diva, you.
Got an addition? Leave a comment!
So, then, AngelicAH would fit into this list of divas....
hmm so does "AlessandrAH" or "AlexandrAH" hahah.