Thursday, January 29, 2009

Celeb List: Geek Hot Guys

I'm just going to say it: I love nerds. What girl wouldn't like an attractive, quirky, semi-awkward, lovable and intelligent guy? Well I know that nerdy dudes aren't for everyone, but they certainly are for me! It takes one to know one, right? 

To qualify as "Geek Hot:"
- The candidate must be equal parts cute, nerdy and endearing.
- Must have at least one recognizable quirk and/or have quirky style.
- Their personality enhances their looks and their likability.

The following is a list of my personal Top 10 brainy boys:

10) Ben Savage as Cory on "Boy Meets World"
Why: If you're a true 90's kid, you grew up watching the show and wishing you were Topanga so you could be Cory's girlfriend (while secretly eyeing Eric).

9) Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter

8) BJ Novak as Ryan on "The Office"
Why: BJ is a very talented writer for the show. Love you and your comic timing BJ/Ryan!

7) Josh Radnor as Ted on "How I Met Your Mother"
Why: He's a hopeless romantic who makes makes it rain and tells nerdy Dad jokes. Love it.

6) Hugh Dancy as Grigg in "The Jane Austen Book Club"
Why: He's a Sci-Fi nerd who's adorably awkward!

5) Christopher Gorham as Henry on "Ugly Betty"
Why: He wuvs Betty, and we wuv him...and his egg salad sandwich.

4) Justin Long
Why: He's been everything from the shy guy on "Dodgeball," to the spunky creator of "S.H.I.T." (South Harmon Institute of Technology - from "Accepted") to the Mac guy...and I LOVES me some Mac.

3) John Cusack
Why: Come on '80's ladies, you know you want to hold up a radio outside his window. 

2) Jason Segel as Marshall on "How I Met Your Mother"
Why: He's delightfully musical, wants to be an environmental lawyer one day, and is a sensitive guy with a hell of a sweet tooth. We love you, "Marshmallow!"

1) John Krasinski as Jim Halpert on "The Office"
Why: He plays hilariously ingenious practical jokes on Dwight. He's hot, thoughtful and he loves Pam. Did I mention that I want to BE Pam!?

See? Not all girls go for the bad boys. Revenge of the nerds! 

Got an addition? Leave a comment!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Girlfriend Lessons: "The Rom-Com Trap"

Men and women have always had a hard time deciphering each other. Where's the relationship Rosetta Stone?! We women and girls are admittedly more emotional creatures while men and boys (though equally emotional) operate on a different wavelength. This is the inspiration for "Girlfriend Lessons;" it's yet another attempt at sorting out all of the mixed messages and confusing relationship dynamics we encounter out there. 

Sometimes the sexes just need to keep themselves in check; to the ladies: it's not always the guys' faults, and to the guys: no, you can't always blame her anger on PMS. We slight each other equally, so it's time to step back into our corners and cease fire for a second.

      Big gestures: so romantic but so not standard protocol (oh but if they were!)

Today's lesson is inspired by an article I stumbled across on the Cosmo website: "Are Chick Flicks Wrecking Your Relationship?" I usually read these types of articles when I'm bored, but this actually seems to have some scientific backing (so you know it's good...hah):

Researchers from Heriot-Watt University in Scotland found in their study that romantic comedies can create unrealistic expectations for love and relationships — especially when it comes to communication. Turns out that chicks who love romance flicks are prone to mind-reader-itis: that is, they expect their guy to know what they want or how they’re feeling without having to tell them.

Before I go on I have to say that I am an avid romantic comedy watcher just like most girls and women (and some guys) out there. No one could ever wrench me away from my Austen remakes - Colin Firth in Pride and Prejudice...hello!? And who doesn't bawl while watching The Notebook with their close guy friend nearby laughing at you while you're reaching for the tissues? (Yeah, that happened. Sorry Mikey). 

People love feel-good, though predictable plots with good-looking people. It's a potent formula that Hollywood uses and it WORKS...but it could be warping our sense of reality when it comes to our relationships.

Gals, remain level-headed at all costs. Guys, take notice if your girlfriend is exhibiting one of the following symptoms of the "Rom-Com Trap:"
(based on

1) She thinks your relationship is "invincible." All relationships have their high moments and low points, and glossing over the difficult times could lead to an imbalance in your relationship. You could end up prolonging something that just isn't working OR worse, this could prevent you both from reconciling a problem that could keep your couple-dom genuine.

2) She's keeping score. Are you one of those girls who does nice things for your boyfriend expecting he'll reciprocate in an equal if not more romantic way? Do you think he's just downright ungrateful when he doesn't? Guys, do you come home only to find your girlfriend pissed at you for some unknown reason? Not good. So girls, don't do something nice for your guy only to hold it over his head later. And guys, don't forget to show your ladies your appreciation because no one likes to be taken for granted. It's important to make sure each party contributes equally to the relationship and gives of themselves with unselfish intentions. Keep the scorecards away and you'll both "win."

3) She thinks it's "written in the stars." Maybe you and Mr. Wonderful had an awfully adorable "meet-cute" right out of the movies. One possible scenario: you're at a party and a song comes on, and both of you scream "I love this song!" and lock eyes across the room. You may have some things in common that make you think "wow we are going to be together for the rest of our lives" but that may not necessarily be true, so be prepared. If this sounds like you: "I could NOT live without him! If we ever broke up I would absolutely diiieee!" then you need to take a second to reevaluate. Have you lost yourself in your own relationship? Guys, if your girlfriend makes these kinds of declarations, it may be time to create some boundaries, or break it off (a LAST resort). 

Bottomline: keep open communication with each other and set realistic goals. Nothing is more romantic than being with someone who actually gets you and accepts you for who you are. Oh and those romantic comedies? They're for entertainment purposes ONLY!

                   You guys are for super serious this time, right?  

Friday, January 23, 2009

Guy-Friendly Book Review: "The Book Of Vice: Very Naughty Things (and How to Do Them)" by Peter Sagal

So it's time to hear from my partner-in-crime (ok yeah, boyfriend), AE, who will be taking over "biz casual" fridays for me. Basically, fridays are his time to say pretty much whatever he wants...brace yourselves.

Today he's got a review for us, of one of the selections from his "guy-friendly" library:

It’s spring break and you and your buddies have planned the ultimate man week in Las Vegas.  This is every 25 year old guy’s dream but would you really know how to maximize you experience?  Is “4-the hard way” a smart bet?  How many trips to the casino buffet is too many?  Does that exotic dancer really like you for your charming personality?

Sagal’s work, on the surface, may seem like a Frat Boy’s field manual;  it is filled with personal anecdotes excessive alcohol consumption, porno sessions, and trips to strip clubs.  The Book of Vice however is so much more than that.  Sagal addresses some of the most naughty, over indulgent, and at times just plain inhuman vices that our culture takes part in.  All of this is done from an intellectual’s perspective with a taste of sarcasm and dry humor.  Instructions on proper etiquette at a swingers’ party, how to spend $1000 dollars on a meal for two, and even how to extract money from family members because they think you have cancer are all outlined with detailed instructions.

So whether you are an inherently evil, gluttonous, or materialistic person, or you’re just looking for a way to take an ordinary weekend activity to the next level, Sagal will certainly show you how to have borderline illegal fun. 


Who should read this: the wannabe underhanded hedonist. 

Hit up that local bookstore and plan that trip to Vegas, kids. AE will meet you at the craps table, and I'll be waiting by the buffet.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Celeb List: "We Put the '-Ah' in 'Diva'"

To be a true diva:

1) Your stage name MUST end in "-ah"
2) You should be referred to or be recognized by your first name alone


10. Ciara
9. (Lady) Gaga
8. Cascada
7. Shakira
6. Aaliyah
5. Rihanna
4. Christina (Aguilera) (Double "-ah!")
3. Mariah (Carey)
2. Madonna
1. Aretha (Franklin)

*Your LAST resort: a name with an "-ey" or "-ay" ending. Who do Britney and Beyonce think they're fooling!? Jeez!

** The EXCEPTION: Whitney. Enough said.

Now that you're informed, go make up your stage name and start singing into that hairbrush or kitchen utensil of your choice you diva, you.

Got an addition? Leave a comment!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Betchspeak: Decoded

Back in college circa junior year, two videos circulated the Trinity viral scene which soon became huge hits, particularly in the music and theater community. We watched them and quoted them, and somehow it never left our systems. What was left of the phenomenon has filtered down into what I lovingly call "Betchspeak," only spoken by the most devoted "betches" to walk this planet. This one's for you, Safir Gem and LMurrs. 

I now introduce Kelly, the original Betch (warning: not for the super super serious/faint at heart):


Let Me Borrow That Top

Now that you all have gotten acquainted, some terms for you:

Betch – n. someone who’s got your back. Someone you go shopping for "shoes" with (preferably for “300 f*cking dollars”) and “borrow tops” from.  She must be brutally honest and tell if you something “sucks” or “rules.” She’s sassy and classy and MUST be willing to participate in “betchspeak” when prompted, especially in public. Can be male if he meets the above requirements.

Betchspeak – n. vernacular created by one “Kelly” (aka, the comedian Liam Sullivan) which includes such words and phrases as “betch,” “shoes” (sheewws), top borrowing, and "shetbeg.”

What she’s like: your sista, homegirl or BFF.

What she’s NOT: your actual biological sister, the best friend you secretly hate (thanks AskMen), a female dog, or a “biotch.” 

So there you go. If you happen to come upon an individual speaking betchspeak, give them a little betchslap and send the shetbeg my way so we can go to the mall...even if it sucks

Sunday, January 18, 2009

"I'm a new soul, I came into this strange world..."

I thought the lyrics from Yael Naim's song "New Soul" (aka, the Macbook Air commercial song) were appropriate for my first entry. 

My name is Angelica, a newly christened Blogger. Yes, I'm aware that blogs have been around for "ages," but up until now I've only maintained the Facebook/Gmail/Youtube trifecta.

So why start now? Despite my attempts to come off as a sophisticated, collected and articulate individual, my inner spaz always seems to win out. Unfortunately for me, I have a knack for spouting the most random crap at times. It's time to own it and blog it!

Apparently, certain people in my life seem to find some "value" and entertainment in my musings. Those same people are my accomplices in general silliness. At their urgings I've started this blog, which serves to document our pointless yet priceless mishaps. 

What to expect from AC's Amalgam: a little of everything. Everything from my take on relationships, celebrity lists, articles, "spirited" (read: mostly not PC) nuggets from my partner-in-crime, my opinions on my favorite movies and TV shows, funny things my amazing friends say, and anything else that comes to mind. This certainly isn't meant to be one of the more profound things on the internet, but you have to admit, there are definitely more absurd places to be.

So here we go: anything goes! Keep it classy kids.