Sunday, February 1, 2009

Why The Superbowl is Like a Holiday



Hellooo football fans and football apathetics alike! It's Superbowl Sunday! 

Now, this is traditionally a guy's kind of day, but we girls can get in on the action too if you have the right attitude. Maybe some of you ladies are diehard football fans and you love a certain team. Maybe you're like me and you have a very cursory knowledge of the game and only watch when your boyfriend puts it on TV. Or, maybe you're the girl who doesn't see what all the fuss is about and doesn't bother with the sport. 

Well that's about to change, because I'm here to tell you that Superbowl has got something for EVERYONE!

Why the Superbowl is like a holiday:

- It happens once a year, and there's a certain novelty that surrounds the event.

- The week of, TV shows incorporate it into their plot lines, and make Superbowl-related episodes. It's right up there with the "Christmas special" or "Halloween episode." Think about it.

-There are sales in stores around Superbowl time. has a 10% off everything sale today because it's Superbowl Sunday. Should I mention that Bluefly is an online, high-end designer website?

-People break out special clothing for the occasion. Bring out those game day jerseys everyone!

- DRINKING, and lots of it. Hurray beer! Break out the Bud, Heineken, or whatever floats your boat. (FYI: I don't drink beer). 

- There's very specific spread on the table, just for the hungry Superbowl watchers. For me personally, I've got a Pavlovian response to this particular day:  Superbowl = WINGS!

- The commercials are made especially for this day. And they're usually hilarious!

- There's music, specifically at halftime.

- People are laughing, crying and each other and at the TV. It's just like any other holiday! Nothing brings people together like a little pigskin action.

A WARNING: DON'T BE LAME. I'm going to relay a certain (unfortunately) true story of last year's superbowl. One of my closest guy friends and I were watching the game at college and he had to go back to his dorm room for a reason that now escapes my memory. He went back to discover that his female roommates were watching TV, but what was on? A ballet dvd or something. A BALLET dvd!?! He asked if he could switch it to the game, and the girls said "no!" So he was forced to try and watch online feed from his computer in his room, which is just completely unacceptable. 

They could have easily turned off the DVD and resumed watching it later but noooo. I felt badly for him, and I didn't think he had to take that at all. Stand up for yourselves guys, because this only happens ONCE a year!! Gaahhhh!

Moral of the story: anyone who wants to watch the game should be allowed to on this day. So ladies if you've got boyfriends who are all about it, let them have their fun! Turns out, once you stop resisting it so much, you may even have fun yourself!

Happy watching and may the best team win!

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