Sunday, March 22, 2009


                      "Rock out with your cock out...bromance style."

Society focuses a lot on female-female interactions and the varying degrees of friendships - the BFF, the "frenemie" etc. - leaving discussion of male-male friendships on the periphery. But finally, a movie has come out that puts male-male friendships in a whole new light: I Love You, Man. It stars Paul Rudd and Jason Segel (for you guys who know I love HIMYM, this was a moment for me!). The plot starts us off with Paul Rudd and his imminent marriage and the realization that his character has no close guy friends. So he sets off to find some, or even just one...poor guy. During his search he befriends Jason Segel's character, and the "bromance" begins. (Sidenote: Paul Rudd is EXCELLENT in this movie!)

bromance - n. a loving, mutual and purely platonic friendship between two heterosexual men. Signs and symptoms: going on "man dates," referring to each other as "bro," "dude," or "buddy" and saying "I Love You, Man" without fear of judgement.

I feel that the "rules" driving male-male interactions are fewer and more straightforward than those in female-female relationships. Here are some of my favorites:

1) If there are a few urinals open in the Men's Room, NEVER take one right next to another dude, because that's just weeeeiiird.

2) NEVER bring your girlfriend to boys' night. (Ladies, would you really want your BF around while you and the gals chat it up about Sex and the City? I think not...). 

3) It's okay to say that another dude looks good, but only when you say it in the "dude" voice.

4) When in a hug, give the customary back pat if the hug lasts longer than 5 seconds.

5) Dude:: wingman as girl::shopping buddy. 

For more rules check out Barney Stintson's The Bro Code. The weird thing is, I'M the one who recommended it to AE. Oh well, haha.

The bromance is a universal concept, as it seems to have made it's way into the hearts of men all over hollywood. Some of my favorite celebrity bromances:

                                       George Clooney and Brad Pitt

                                        Ben Affleck and Matt Damon

                                       Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson

                                     Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly

Note: it seems that Bros choose other bros who are their equal in looks and in comic timing...hahah

Gals, try not to get too grossed out by "manly bonding." You don't want a potential BF who has no friends.

Guys, find your bro and "hug it out, bitch."

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